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S e a t  w e a v i n g

Seat weaving uses the simplest of elements - a wooden frame and some form of cord - to create a sturdy and practical piece of furniture. The variety of textural effects achieved through the weaving process can range from the traditional to the strikingly contemporary, making this an endlessly adaptable craft.


Some examples of my seat weaving work are shown below, from traditional seagrass and papercord to modern cotton cord. All have been made using vintage wooden chair and stool frames - usually in a very tatty state - that I have restored and restrung to give a new lease of life. Decorative objects in their own right, they are also wholly practical and functional pieces of furniture with a deeply appealing tactile quality.  


Pieces currently for sale can be viewed here. Or get in touch if you have a woven seat that needs repairing or a bespoke commission to discuss.  

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